When generating a report on RQM data using RPE you may want
to include linked requirements. If the requirements are held in DNG then this
is a relatively easy process. The complication is when the linked requirements
are held in DOORS 9.x. In this situation the requirement data is extracted from
DOORS Web Access (DWA).
The DWA requirement schema is not provided as part of RPE
and is not discoverable. It must be loaded from a .xsd file. A sample DWA
schema (which was downloaded from RPE Actual) is provided below.
This file should be saved locally and then when adding a data
schema within RPE, the main.xsd selected as the schema file.
RQM will provide a requirement URI of the form:
Which can be used to
dynamically configure the DWA data source.
Unfortunately, this only
works for DWA requirements that are not linked to RQM!
When a requirement has
an RQM link, it has a different schema. Within the above schema the main.xsd
file must be modified with the following:
<xs:element name="RDF">
<xs:element name="Statement">
<xs:element name="subject">
<xs:element ref="oslc_rm:Requirement"/>
<xs:element ref="oslc_rm:Requirement"/>
Using the
modified schema will then allow the requirement data to be extracted.